Need help with oboe reedmaking?
“Discover How You Can Improve Your Oboe Reed Making Quickly and Easily “
The Making Oboe Reeds Ebook
A beginners guide to oboe reedmaking
This downloadable ebook is the perfect resource for learning how to make American scrape Philadelphia style oboe reeds. Perfect for begining reedmakers, pros, teachers, and weekend worriors.
Shop For Finished Pro, Intermediate and Student Oboe Reeds
January of 2019 I purchesed the oboe reed portion of Weber Reeds. In addition to providing my personal professional and intermediate reeds I also sell 12 other model oboe reeds for all levels of players. I have tried to continue the 30 year tradition of Weber Reeds going. So come over to Shalita Oboe Reeds and check out what we have. Special orders are welcome as well as subsctiption service for all oboe reeds.
New Stuff
How to Help With Flat Oboe Reeds
Flat Oboe Reeds Are Instant Death! Probably the worst thing that you can do when playing the oboe...
Oboe Books
Here is a list of oboe and oboe related books. To be honest, I have not read all of them, and some...
Oboe Music With Cd
Music Minus One Oboe music with cd accompaniment, especially Music Minus One is one of the...
Orchestral Musician’s CD Rom Library for Oboe
Here is a way to build a personal library of orchestral repertoire. This is a series of CD roms...
Oboe Music
Buying oboe music is a lot easier now with the internet. Prices are very competitive and actually,...
Finding An Oboe Teacher
For the Parents One day after playing clarinet 2 years in school, I came home and told my parents...
Older Stuff
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Double Hollow Ground Knife Sharpening
Before we get into how to sharpen oboe reed knives, let's look at some of...